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Tracking and keep up to date with Coronavirus statistics

Tracking and keep up to date with Coronavirus statistics

To track the spread is one of the popular activities for concerned people who like to keep an eye on the current situation of coronavirus. There is plenty of news and information on the Wide World Web available about coronavirus but it can be quite overwhelming to keep up to date with new updates at the same time. Luckily there are a number of trusted websites where you can keep tabs.

Tracking and keep up to date with Coronavirus statistics

Australian Government 

If you have no time to watch daily presses or to read news online, then this source is the one for you – The Federal Government has an excellent collection of daily infographics for you to take a quick view of the coronavirus situation. Each day will show the daily summary of: 

  • total number of cases, recoveries and deaths
  • cases admitted to hospitals and ICUs
  • number of tests done and their status
  • a graph showing the daily number of reported cases
  • cases in aged care services
  • a graph showing cases by age and gender
  • a graph showing deaths by age and gender
  • cases and deaths by state and territory
  • cases by the source of infection
  • public health response measures

However, if you like to geek at comprehensive data closely like me – then you can have a look at this link instead for the breakdown.

You can also get up to date information on the Federal Government’s Coronavirus Australia app which is available on the App Store, Google Play, and the Government’s WhatsApp channel


Individual states and territories   

State and Territory websites also have available data for individual states – 

ACT – http://health.act.gov.au/about-our-health-system/novel-coronavirus-covid-19
NSW – https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19
NT – https://coronavirus.nt.gov.au
QLD – https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19
SA – https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au
TAS – https://coronavirus.tas.gov.au
VIC – http://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au
WA – http://www.wa.gov.au/government/coronavirus-covid-19


Interactive Dashboards

If you prefer the interactive or animation for visual effect.

WHO Coronavirus Disease COVID 19 Dashboard

World Health Organisation’s map
The map provides a basic overview of the cases in the world.


This map is quite visually pleasant with great animation that would allow you to animate the spread of the virus from some of the first reported cases to current on a real-time progress. This animation is quite chilling to see how it is easy to spread the infection in the world without a lot of effort.  

John Hopkins University map

John Hopkins University map  
This US-based resource used the latest data from a number of sources including WHO and countries’ disease control authorities including US’s CDC and China’s NHC.  


Stay informed and safe   

Official sources are your best bet to track the cases in Australia and have accurate up to date information but do keep an eye on various sources if you want to check out information about overseas or a specific country. 



Written by The Original PC Doctor on 30/8/2020.

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