About Us
Same-day computer repairs at your fingertips – wherever and whenever
The Original PC Doctor – 13 Points of Culture
The Original PC Doctors’ “13-points of culture” is at the very heart of the company. It defines the core values of this Global brand and the community with which it serves.
1. Commitment.
I give myself and everything I commit to 100% until I succeed. I am committed to the Vision, Mission, Culture and success of – The Original PC Doctor, its current and future team, and its clients at all times. I always recommend the products and services of The Original PC Doctor prior to going outside the company.
2. Ownership.
I am truly responsible for my actions and outcomes and own everything that takes place in my work and my life. I am accountable for my results and I know that for things to change, first I must change.
3. Respect.
I always maintain the highest respect for myself and those around me. What I promise is what I deliver. I only ever make agreements with myself and others that I am willing and intend to keep. I communicate potential broken agreements at the first opportunity and I clear up all broken agreements immediately.
4. Excellence.
Good enough isn’t. I always deliver products and services of exceptional quality that add value to all involved for the long term. I look for ways to do more with less and stay on a path of constant and never-ending improvement and innovation.
5. Communication.
I speak positively of my fellow team members, my clients and The Original PC Doctor in both public and private. I speak with good purpose using empowering and positive conversation. I never use or listen to sarcasm or gossip. I acknowledge what is being said as true for the speaker at that moment and I take responsibility for responses to my communication. I greet and farewell people using their names. I always apologize for any upsets first and then look for a solution. I only ever discuss concerns in private with the person involved.
6. Success begins in the Mind.
I totally focus my thoughts, energy and attention on the successful outcome of whatever I am doing. I am willing to win and allow others to win: Win/Win. At all times, I display my inner pride, prosperity, competence and personal confidence. I am a successful person.
7. Continual Education.
I learn from my mistakes. I consistently learn, grow and master so that I can help my fellow team members and clients learn, grow and master too. I am an educator and allow my clients to make their own intelligent decisions about their future remembering that it is their future. I impart practical and useable knowledge rather than just theory.
8. Team Work.
I am a team player. I do whatever it takes to stay together and achieve team goals. I focus on cooperation and always come to a resolution, not a compromise. I am flexible in my work and able to change if what I’m doing is not working. I ask for help when I need it and I am compassionate to others who ask me.
9. A Healthy Balance.
I have a balanced approach to life, remembering that my spiritual, social, physical and family aspects are just as important as my financial and intellectual. I complete my work and my most important tasks first, so I can have quality time to myself, and with my family and also to renew.
10. Fun.
I view my life as a journey to be enjoyed and appreciated and I create an atmosphere of fun and happiness so all around me enjoy it as well.
11. Systems.
I always look to the system for a solution. If a challenge arises I use a system correction before I look for a people correction. I use a system solution in my innovation rather than a people solution. I follow the system exactly until a new system is introduced. I suggest system improvements at my first opportunity.
12. Consistency.
I am consistent in my actions so my clients and teammates can feel comfortable in dealing with me at all times. I am disciplined in my work so my results, growth and success are consistent.
13. Gratitude.
I am a truly grateful person. I say thank you and show appreciation often and in many ways so that all around me know how much I appreciate everything and everyone I have in my life. I celebrate my wins and the wins of my clients, and team. I consistently catch myself and other people doing things right…
Environmental & social responsibility
The Original PC Doctor is committed to constantly looking at ways to reduce the impact of our business on the environment. We constantly strive to reduce our carbon footprint and play a role in curbing global warming.
The following initiatives have been undertaken:
- Our entire Head Office power runs off a 30Kw Solar Array
- All packaging materials are reused and otherwise recycled
- All electrical devices are on timers ensuring the entire office powers down at 6 p.m. and restarting at 8 am
- A Tesla power wall was installed in 2017, taking us from highly inefficient and costly grid power networks to a 100% green power self-sufficient position
- By nature, repairing computers reduces landfills rather than replacing devices when small issues occur
- Paperless office – We strive to move towards a completely paperless office. Our business continues to add value to our clients and the greater community through the use of technology
- All lighting throughout our office uses LED and Fluorescent technology reducing power consumption and greenhouse emissions.
If you know of anyone who would like to join our mission please refer them to the careers section of the website – click here. Please also see our Diversity staffing report, diversity policy, ethics policy, corrections policy, actional feedback policy, ownership and funding information and publishing principles.