OZ Verified Business
Australia's No.1 Computer Support Company
The Original PC Doctor - Carbon Neutral
Need Technical Support? 1300 723 628 Call Service is open 24 Hours/ 7 Days a Week

14-Day Work Satisfaction Guarantee

We are only as good as our last job, that’s why we make sure the issues are fixed, if not we will come back to fix it free of charge!

14 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

14-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Our 14-Day Satisfaction Guarantee ensures that your system remains healthy for at least 14 days after each visit or service from us. If you do have any issues, notify our friendly office staff straight away, and we will book the same technician to come out for the next available appointment. If the same issue has reoccurred, then you will not have anything more to pay; it’s on us! Of course, any new or unrelated problems are not included in the guarantee, but we’ll try our best to look after you!

*Click here to view the full Terms and Conditions.

If your device is looking “terminal”, we recommend you recycle it rather than adding it to landfill. For computer recycling in Australia, you can contact this organisation -> Electronic Recycling Australia

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    The Original PC Doctor
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    *Based on 13941394 customer reviews collected via multiple sources (Word of Mouth, Product Reviews, Google Reviews and our feedback system.
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    The Original PC Doctor - 23 years of business excellence