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In 1973, an MIT Computer Predicted When Civilization Will End in 2040 to 2050

In 1973, an MIT Computer Predicted When Civilization Will End in 2040 to 2050

The doomsday clock is ticking, and not just in the movies. Despite rapid advancements in science and technology, there’s a growing sense that our civilization is moving in the wrong direction. There are all sorts of reasons why, but one MIT computer program predicted the problem all the way back in 1973. There’s an end in sight for our civilization, and it’s coming sooner than you think.

MIT computer 1973

MIT computer 1973

What Is the Prediction of MIT Computer?

In 1973, The computer program called World One was created by Jay Forrester, a pioneering computer engineer and professor at MIT who helped develop magnetic core memory – the predecessor of modern RAM – as well as a number of other important innovations; he died in 2016 at the age of 98.

The goal of World One was to predict how population growth and industrialization would impact global sustainability. The results were shocking: It predicted that by 2040, we’d have run out of earth’s resources and civilization would collapse.

The program was built using historical data related to population growth, industrialization, resource consumption, and more. These stats were all plotted on graphs and statistics were generated to produce forecasts of what would happen in the future.

According to World One, by 2020, there would be a significant drop in quality of life due to pollution. This would lead to a decline in population that would be lower than it was in the 1900s. If we continue to pollute our planet at this rate, our civilization will collapse sometime around 2040 to 2050.

Now, in 2022, it’s clear that this prediction is coming true: air quality is declining, lifestyles are becoming unsustainable and many people are dying because of pollution.

It is important that we do something about this problem now before it gets worse and affects more people in the future. After all, this computer program shows us what could happen if we don’t take action soon. So, we need to start looking for solutions today so that we can prevent the end of civilization as we know it from happening.

MIT computer predicts end of the world

MIT computer predicts end of the world

Can We Still Avoid This Man-Made Apocalypse?

Our current way of life could destroy humanity as we know it, but there is still time to change our consumption habits, it will require major changes in how we live.

The world’s resources are dwindling, the climate is changing and the global population is growing at an unsustainable rate. We’re currently using up resources at such a rate that unless we make some serious reforms, it’s only a matter of time before we run out.

Moreover, it’s not just about running out of resources – it’s also about the way we’re treating our planet. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 9 in 10 people on earth breathe in polluted air every day, and there are currently 7 million deaths per year related to pollution; this number is expected to rise dramatically over the next decade if nothing changes.

Nations around the globe need to cut back on energy consumption and food waste, as well as increase recycling rates if we want to avoid disaster in the long term. Some nations have already begun cutting back on their use of fossil fuels and investing in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. But many countries are still heavily dependent on coal for electricity generation and manufacturing industries such as steelmaking and cement production.

It is hoped that if these countries continue to cut back on their carbon emissions and natural resource consumption, then we may be able to stave off disaster.



Time will tell if the program turns out to be correct, but if it is, we may all want to start preparing for the end. Again, this prediction could hinge on a number of factors that are difficult to predict with any accuracy. But, assuming that every single variable in the program turns out to be precise as predicted, the real question is: what do we do now?



Written by The Original PC Doctor on 20/6/2022.

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2 thoughts on “In 1973, an MIT Computer Predicted When Civilization Will End in 2040 to 2050

  1. Adrian R. Clifford

    No amount of solar or wind power will generate sufficient energy to supply the needs of society. Currently, both technologies combined provide 4% of needs. Carbon capture in coal powered generators is effective and cheaper than wind turbines. Thorium/Salt nuclear units are the future of power generation. Climate change is a natural phenomenon and not greatly influenced by anthropomorphic carbon dioxide production.

    1. The Original PC Doctor Post author

      Hello Adrian,
      Thank you for your comment and subscribing to our blog feed. We have some challenging times ahead for us as a nation and a part of the global community. We converted all our power sources to solar and installed tesla batteries to power the head office at night or when the sunlight factor is low. If everyone can do something small that will aggregate some larger shift in a more positive direction.
      Kind Regards,
      John Pititto.
      Managing Director
      The Original PC Doctor


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