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Cozi Family Organiser: The free software for reducing your mental load in 2022

Cozi Family Organiser: The free software for reducing your mental load in 2022

Many people try to plan their day and schedules ahead of time to prevent unexpected events so they don’t forget essential tasks they are supposed to engage in. These events include anything from your kid’s football practice, grocery lists, neighbourhood BBQ, or a family dinner. Most people use their calendars on the wall or buy expensive planners from stationery shops, which might work fine for a few weeks but get harder to follow. Are you looking for a simple way to plan your family and reduce your mental workload? Cozi Family Organiser is the solution to your problems.

Cozi Family Organiser is a free, convenient, and straightforward app that helps families organise and plan their day-to-day activities. This app helps manage everyday life with fantastic features that keep all the family members in the loop. So when dinner plans change, everyone gets to know, and no one is left out of the family plans.

Cozi Family Organiser The free software for reducing your mental load in 2022

The app sends reminders and checklists to the family members so everyone can get things done in an organised manner and at the appropriate time, so no one forgets important family events and dates. Some of the features of the Cozi Family Organiser app are to-do lists, recipe boxes, meal planners, colour-coded calendars, and more. The Cozi Family Organiser is a shared app, so you only need to create one account for the whole family. It is convenient and easy to use, so it’s a go-to app to reduce your stress and mental workload.

Calendar Family cozi family organiser

Family Calendar

This excellent feature allows you to import your calendar from other apps like Google so that the whole family’s activities are synchronised in the family calendar. If you’re the type that already keeps a schedule on your phone calendar, you can easily link it to the Cozi Family Organiser app, so you don’t have to start making the schedule all over again. This feature coordinates the whole family’s activities using different colour coding for each family member. It allows you to view each person’s schedule or the whole family at once. This means you don’t make a mistake picking another person’s task since there’s a different colour code for everyone. New appointments can be added to the family calendar, letting everyone know so they aren’t caught off guard or unaware of the situation. If you have an appointment with the dentist or the school teacher for the kids, this feature can help you remember so you don’t have to reschedule, and other family members can also send them to you so you don’t forget or miss out on anything. Reminders can also be set to this feature so that nobody forgets or is late for important events or activities such as birthdays, football games, etc. If you’re the type that forgets dates quickly, this feature is a fantastic help for you.

shopping list

Shopping List

Have you ever been to the grocery store and, when you got home, realised you forgot to buy something you had earlier planned? The shopping list feature helps to get rid of these annoying situations. Everyone in the family can access the shopping list and add items they want to the list, so you don’t have to keep calling home to ask for what someone wants from the store. They can just put it on the list, and it pops up on the family shopping list for everyone to see. At the store, you can just retrieve the list and cross off items or add new ones while you do your shopping. This way, it is improbable that you will miss an item on the list, and you can get everything you need without having to drive back to the supermarket because you left something out. The app updates in real-time, so you get a notification when any new thing is added to the shopping list. Convenient right? Your mental workload is going down a notch with this feature. All you need to do is open the Cozi Family Organiser app, and you have the list of everything you want at all times. It’s that easy.

Recipe Box

Recipe Box

This fantastic feature allows you to keep all your favourite recipes at the tip of your fingers. Has your family ever gone on vacation and didn’t get to eat your favourite meals because you forgot your recipe book at home? The recipe box helps store all your favourite recipes to enjoy your favourite meals anytime and anywhere in the world you might be in. This feature can also sync your recipes to your shopping list so you can get all the ingredients necessary to prepare the meal while shopping for groceries at the supermarket, so you don’t need to start calling home or checking the internet to find the right ingredients to buy, you can check them on the Cozi Family Organiser app and have access to all the information you need. Cool right? You can also schedule different recipes for different days of the week to avoid always thinking about what to have for lunch or dinner all the time. Assign a recipe to a day of the week, and you automatically have a lovely meal planner that everyone in the family can see. Seeing as it’s a shared family app, you also get to escape from annoying ‘what’s for dinner’ questions, as everyone in the family can check on their Cozi Family Organiser app to see what they’re having for the next meal.

To do list

To-Do Lists

The To-Do List is another prominent feature of the Cozi Family Organiser app. You can create a general to-do list for the whole family or a checklist for the kids so they can get their daily chores done. Doing chores can get messy, especially when you have multiple tasks. With this feature, you can have your tasks right there with you, so you don’t forget to do anything required of you. All you need to do is check the app on your phone and get a comprehensive list of things you need to do. You can also send the list to other family members to remind them of tasks they need to complete before the day runs out. This makes it less likely that tasks or chores will be left undone because somebody forgot to complete them. You can arrange the list with timers to know which task to engage in at any specific hour. This feature also allows you to create as many lists as possible so you can create a list for emergencies, a list for school supplies so you don’t forget anything, a list for packing so you have all you need, and many more. If you’re the type that keeps forgetting tasks assigned to you, then this feature will help you so you can get things done more effectively and on time.



Reducing your mental load and getting organised has never been simpler. The Cozi Family Planner app has made organising your day-to-day life more manageable and smoother, and the best part is that the app is free and available for download on both Android and Apple devices. The app can be accessed using your email and family’s shared password so that it can be used on multiple devices at once. In short, Cozi Family Organiser is a handy application that helps manage the home and reduces the mental load for the user.


For more information and a free copy, visit the link below.

Written by The Original PC Doctor on 6/5/2022.

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