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Testing Apple’s New Emergency SOS via Satellite Feature

Testing Apple’s New Emergency SOS via Satellite Feature

Apple continuously works to bring better and more advanced technology to its users, while still keeping things simple. In previous updates, the company announced features like fall detection, which could automatically alert emergency services if you fall while you are on a hiking trail.

Testing Apples New Emergency SOS via Satellite Feature

Testing Apples New Emergency SOS via Satellite Feature

These are features that show Apple cares about the people who trust in their technology. In one of the more recent updates, yet another feature has been introduced called Emergency SOS via Satellite. We are going to take a closer look at how this feature works and what it can do for you, as well as consider some privacy issues that some people have raised regarding the use of the new function.


Apple Introduces Emergency SOS via Satellite

With the introduction of iOS 14; Apple has yet again revealed a new service and feature that puts the safety of their users first. This is not a new service, as Emergency SOS has been embedded into smartphones and even smartwatches for an extended duration of time. One of the biggest challenges that people faced with these features is the fact that they had to ensure they had cellular network coverage to use the Emergency SOS function.

When you find yourself on a hiking or camping trip, there is a chance that you might not have a connection to a nearby cellular tower. This means tapping the Emergency SOS button will not connect you to the appropriate services when you find yourself in a dreaded situation.

Apple has taken note of this issue and now offers an alternative solution. With Emergency SOS via Satellite, there is no longer a need to connect to a cellular tower in a close vicinity if you want to connect to emergency services. This service instead utilises a range of satellites that are located in space.

apple emergency sos app

Apple’s Emergency SOS feature


How Does Emergency SOS via Satellite Work?

Understanding how these new service works is important. This can help to shed some light on how effective and convenient it is. It also helps you get a better understanding of whether or not the service will actually prove useful to you based on your travel and hiking habits.

The service works similarly to the regular Emergency SOS, but it does not connect to a cellular tower like usual. Instead, the service will ask you to hold your phone in a specific position. This allows your phone to search for a signal from one of the satellites that are connected to the service. Once the service detects a satellite, it then allows you to pick from a list of emergency services that are available.

You are then asked to enter details about your situation, such as what happened, what you need, and where you are located. This information is encrypted, then sent to the satellite that your iPhone connected to. Once the transmission occurs, the satellite then sends the encrypted details to Apple’s servers, where it is then decrypted and sent to the appropriate emergency services channel. You are then connected to the emergency services through a chat window, where you can provide further details. Appropriate emergency assistance can then be dispatched to you based on the situation you find yourself in.

The feature does not currently work in every country, but Apple is quickly expanding the reach of the Emergency SOS via Satellite service in order to bring the function to more users.


What Are The Current Concerns Related To Emergency SOS via Satellite?

A couple of concerns have been raised by people following the introduction of the Emergency SOS via Satellite service by Apple. Currently, there are restrictions as to where the service works.

iPhone users are only able to access this service if they reside in one of the following countries:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Ireland
  • Germany
  • France

Apart from this restriction, it is also important to note that individuals who still own previous models of the iPhone will also not be able to access the service. The newly introduced Emergency SOS via Satellite service only functions on the latest iPhone 14 models. This is mostly due to the need for extra technology that allows the phone to send and receive signals from a satellite without the need for cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity.

People have also raised concerns about privacy factors. Apple has announced that the messages sent from the user’s iPhone toward the satellite will be encrypted using a special technology. This helps secure the information, which is then decrypted by Apple’s own servers to send the data to an emergency service provider.

While the data is encrypted, Apple did note that the information sent to the provider will be stored on a database and may be used to improve their services. This means that personal details about your situation will not be erased once you receive the requested assistance. The specific data that is collected and stored have not been announced. Still, it will likely include your initial responses and the message thread related to the conversation you had with the respondent.

Apple SOS flowchart

Apple SOS flowchart


How To Use The Emergency SOS via Satellite Function

There’s no need to head into an area where you might find yourself in an emergency situation when you want to see how the new function works. Fortunately, Apple has built a demo mode into the app. The demo mode allows you to see firsthand how the process works. It is also a good idea to use the demo app in order to ensure the process works as expected and that you do not end up in an emergency situation and it does not function properly.

You will need to search for an area with no cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity. A drive outside town may help you find the right spot. When you head into the Emergency SOS app, choose the demo mode function and then follow the app’s instructions. You can go through a series of steps to see how things work and get the hang of the process. By educating yourself on the function beforehand, it is easier to ensure you can get help quickly and reliably should you need to use the Emergency SOS app later on.

Emergency SOS via Satellite is a function that forms part of the Medical ID and Emergency Contacts functions introduced by Apple. This means you should ensure you set things up as soon as you configure your Apple iPhone 14 the first time. The setup process involves adding information about your identity and your health insurance plan and selecting emergency contacts. Should you find yourself in an emergency situation, the respondent can use these details to provide you with faster assistance. You will also have the option to send out an alert to your emergency contacts with details about your situation and location.



With consistent advancements, Apple has now introduced a feature that allows you to contact emergency services even when you do not have a cellular signal. The Emergency SOS service connects directly to a satellite and then transfers you to a consultant who can provide you with assistance. While there are some drawbacks to the service, it is definitely something useful for people who regularly travel and enjoy hiking or camping trips.



Written by The Original PC Doctor on 16/12/2022.

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