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Getting Sustainability Right

Getting Sustainability Right

The reality of global warming is now with us. The wrath of Mother Nature is prevalent in most parts of the world, with devastating repercussions. Torrential rains and ravaging floods are now frequent in the tropical regions of the world. Severe droughts and wildfires are more occurrences than ever before. The climate pattern is hard to predict for farming and other sustainable activities.

environment friendly computing

environment friendly computing

The Arctic icebergs are slowly thawing away. This means continuing loss of habitat for the inhabitants and rising sea levels. Most importantly is the loss of lives that we keep on witnessing from the natural calamities. Well, the list is endless.

Passive Leaders

As the unpleasant results of climate change are unfolding in front of us, leaders continue meeting. The high profile meetings are dotting our cities now and then. Despite the globetrotting of our political leaders, nothing concrete comes out to combat the deadly phenomenon. Political intrigues and machinations carry the day, with agreements that are not binding.

Our leaders keep turning a blind eye to the effects, yet the western world is the highest producer of toxic elements into the atmosphere. It seems the political and financial securities override their social responsibilities. Unfortunately, the victims of the effects are mostly in developing countries.


Surprisingly, there is a group of people who are eager to change the narrative of climate change through sustainable development. Long seen as the generation of little focus, the current generation of millennials is stepping up their resolve. This is because they are the ones bearing the brunt of the change. Also, because they understand better the demographics of global warming better than previous generations.

With their hands-on approach to projects, the millennials are aware of the cost of passiveness in the battle against climate change. And they are getting a boost from an unlikely source. Most global companies earlier reputable for emitting toxic waste are on the front of the green sustainability campaign.

Technological Initiatives

Global technological entities are joining the fray with more exceptional positive results. They are focusing more on green manufacturing in their production lines. This means we will have more environmentally friendly components and less toxic waste.

A perfect example is the technology firm HP. It is slightly ahead of its peers in this green campaign. It seems HP is more focused on the global sustainability campaign to show the industry that all is not lost. This is a noble initiative, though some quarters may think otherwise. Instead of turning it into a fierce industry competition for posting financial revenues, stakeholders should join hands and work together to save the planet.

We shall, later on, see what HP is doing right in the campaign to see green sustainability becomes a reality. And we shall see whether the industry is upbeat with the initiative or not. At the end of this column, we will wind up with the first of its kind in the market: HP carbon neutral printer.

The HP Positive initiative

Green Product Design

HP has a solid company policy on recycling its products. Whereas most companies have an imprint of recycling information on their products, most of them are not recyclable. And if they are, the public does not know where to take them. This aggravates the problem further. HP factors this aspect in all its products. That makes the scrap more recyclable, saving the environment from landmarks of toxic scrap fields. Since its inception, the HP green initiative has recycled about 3.3 billion pounds worth of material.

Recycling Loop Policy

In creating a viable system of recycling, HP has a policy that focuses on continually reusing its products in its recycling plants. This reduces environmental pollution. The logic behind this is simple; the more you recycle, the lesser the dangers you expose to the environment. Eventually, when they discard the materials, they pose no harm. The HP sustainability vision is to recycle over 30% of its product material by 2025.

Company Tradition

One-half of the HP founders, David Packer, brought in a deep conviction in green sustainability. Indeed, this was years before this debate came to the fore. He aimed to recycle all the products from HP. This education campaign has been ongoing since then. This is helping HP venture into other sectors of economic production, as the food industry. In trying to promote this green industrial revolution, HP is in constant evolution. It does not shy away from adopting good practices from other sectors, and this includes progressive hardware.

The Lead Example

In portraying the benefits of going green, HP is posting the financial gains. The impressive figures amount up to AUD 1.3 Billion. HP claims this is the advantage of having sustainable recycling policies in major technological companies. In response to inquiries, HP says that many of the industry customers are more responsive to products of green companies. So more companies having sustainable features will attract more clients and boost their revenues.

Quoting their own survey statistics, HP claims that most young people today favour more employers with strong social responsibility. It gives the millennials the voice in the global warming and toxic emission reduction campaign. Another vocal proponent of sustainability campaign, Cisco, is said to have the same projection. With positive results, HP is increasing its efforts on this front. The target is to include the young generation is the leadership positions to drive both the financial and social responsibility visions of the firm.

Seemingly, large investors are also driving this campaign. Hundreds of investment companies are funding sustainability friendly companies with better investment options. Thus, the more aggressive you are in this vision, the better chances you have in investments. Eventually, any firm with better investment policies ranks well in the valuation reports. This brings security, growth, and expansion.

Sustainable Partnerships

In fostering sustainability, HP is engaging in two fronts, which are reducing waste and partnerships. In the effort to be more efficient, HP is gradually advancing, setting the pace in 3D printing. Standard projectors tend to overheat and need constant repair. With 3D, there is no need for stocking piles of toxic damaged parts or the headache of toxic material disposal. 3D also gives HP the advantage of recycling its materials with technology that is unique in the industry. The result is less pirating of its authentic products and less pollution.

In making a significant change, the battle against climate warming needs sustainable partnerships. Thus, more needs to happen with efforts from HP, Cisco, and other interests coming together for the common good. The motor industry is making good progress in sharing information. German automobile giants Mercedes Benz and BMW are leaders in sharing safety driving measures to drivers.

Wonder Entry of the Week

HP has introduced a wonder printer for the advancement of its green policy. The HP Tango Terra printer is the first carbon-neutral printer in the world. It has recyclable cartridges and ink. In addition to recyclable paper, your whole system is green friendly.

The entire carbon neutral printer is made out of 30% recyclable plastic materials in line with the HP vision 2025. In going green with sustainable goals, you have to make precious sacrifices. This printer will cost you AUD 259.99, and that is fair for me. If you can, do visit the vendor for the Dragonfly laptop, another HP green introduction.

Going green requires sacrifice and partnerships. With the millennials leading the way, global entities like HP and Cisco will have more work to do in realising their dreams.


Written by The Original PC Doctor on 20/11/2019.

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2 thoughts on “Getting Sustainability Right

  1. Len

    Just read blog post “Getting Sustainability Right” – appreciate being updated on what HP (and other organisations) are doing in this space. Very interesting.

    1. The Original PC Doctor Post author

      Thanks Len, It seems that a lot of the initiatives have to come from us as some governments seem pretty blasé about the whole issue of sustainability and climate change its really up to the people to raise awareness and take action. Our most carbon friendly option is our remote desktop support which is very efficient way to get your computer software issues fixed and has a very low carbon footprint.


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