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How Virtual Reality Will Change the Way You Buy

How Virtual Reality Will Change the Way You Buy

Virtual Reality is an innovative technology that can create a totally immersive alternate reality which can virtually make the real world irrelevant. This technology promises to completely transform how you shop online when buying basic things such as clothing to more expensive stuff such as furniture.

Credit: Wikimedia

The furniture retail company, IKEA, has already started using virtual reality in its online sales of its merchandise. Consumers can now see what the furniture in IKEA digital catalogues will look like in the home through the help of VR.

Dressing Room Gap

Gap recently began an app called Dressing Room using virtual reality that helps users to virtually try clothes on from the safety and comfort of their homes. On a screen, there isn’t much of a difference between one shirt and the next or between one dress and the next, and it might be very difficult to tell whether the cloth is going to fit you or not- of course until you try it on. Thanks to virtual reality and body mapping technologies, customers can now view how a commodity will look on them before they buy.

College visits aren’t untouched by the virtual reality bug. Students will no longer just interact with glossy, airbrushed images of their would-be colleges in school-issued brochures. They can now log on to the prospective school’s website and get a near-actual feel of their soon-to-be school. It is exciting that high school seniors can go on virtual campus visits of schools instead of making long, expensive, and tedious trips to the colleges for a tour.

Travel Industry

Credit: Pixabay

Virtual reality will also transform the tourism industry as well. According to a recent survey by YouVisit, it was discovered that when travellers or tourists experience a destination through virtual reality, they are thirteen percent more likely to make the visit than those who don’t experience the destination at all beforehand. This has seen visitor centres turn to virtual reality to draw in visitors and tourists.

What is more? It is now possible to shop online with friends from very different physical locations. Shopping online is now a social event- contrary to popular opinion that it is a solitary endeavour. For instance, a bride can go shopping for a wedding dress with his bridesmaids who are each in different physical locations.

Real Estate Industry


Credit: Pixabay

If you thought that is all virtual reality can do, then you are in for a rude shock. The technology may also be used in the real estate industry and the sale of cars as well.

For example, estate agents in Wales are using virtual reality headsets to guide prospective house buyers around their favourite homes. A virtual tour of prospective homes is nearly lifelike and offers a far better feel than the standard photographs. In fact, according to one user, if you stand at the top of a flight of stairs in a virtual tour, you’d feel as though you are about to fall down from them. It is, therefore, unsurprising to find people pay for houses they haven’t visited in person but have only interacted with only through virtual reality.

Virtual Reality Progress

Virtual reality is also poised to change how people buy cars. With the aid of virtual reality, buyers can give custom directions and details on how they want their car to turn out. The customer can identify the model they want- ranging from the exact finish of the car’s interior to the colour of the car.

Internet Data Security

Whenever faced with new technology, make sure you read the terms and conditions check the data security protocols. Do your diligence before giving away your private information.

Written by The Original PC Doctor and posted on June 20, 2017.

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