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Microsoft: A History of Insecurity and a $5 Billion Investment in Australian Surveillance

Microsoft: A History of Insecurity and a $5 Billion Investment in Australian Surveillance

Microsoft is one of the largest and most successful technology companies in the world. It is also one of the most insecure. Microsoft products have been hacked countless times over the years, and the company has a long history of failing to address security vulnerabilities.

Microsoft A History of Insecurity and a $5 Billion Investment in Australian Surveillance

Microsoft A History of Insecurity and a $5 Billion Investment in Australian Surveillance

Despite its terrible security track record, Microsoft is planning to invest $5 billion in cybersecurity in Australia. The company claims that this investment is necessary to protect Australia from cyber threats, but many experts believe that it is actually a thinly veiled attempt to expand Microsoft’s surveillance capabilities in the country.


A History of Insecurity

Microsoft’s security problems date back to the early days of the company. In 1995, the first major vulnerability in Windows was discovered. This vulnerability allowed hackers to take control of computers running Windows without the user’s knowledge or consent.

Over the years, Microsoft has released patch after patch to fix security vulnerabilities in its products. However, the company has never been able to keep up with the hackers. New vulnerabilities are constantly discovered in Microsoft products, and many of these vulnerabilities are exploited by hackers.

Some of the most notable Microsoft security breaches include:

  • The SQL Slammer worm in 2003, which infected over 750,000 computers worldwide.
  • The Conficker worm in 2008, which infected over 15 million computers worldwide.
  • The Stuxnet virus in 2010, which was used to sabotage Iranian nuclear centrifuges.
  • The WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017, which affected over 200,000 computers in over 150 countries.
  • The SolarWinds hack in 2020, which affected over 18,000 customers worldwide, including the US government.
Microsoft plans to invest 5 billions in Australian Surveillance

Microsoft plans to invest 5 billions in Australian Surveillance

A $5 Billion Investment in Surveillance

In October 2023, Microsoft announced that it would be investing $5 billion in cybersecurity in Australia. The company claimed that this investment was necessary to protect Australia from cyber threats, such as those posed by nation-state actors and criminal organisations.

However, many experts believe that Microsoft’s real motive is to expand its surveillance capabilities in Australia. Microsoft already collects a vast amount of data about its users, and the company has a history of collaborating with governments to collect data on their citizens.

For example, in 2013, it was revealed that Microsoft had been cooperating with the US National Security Agency (NSA) to collect data on American citizens through its PRISM program.

Microsoft has also been criticised for its role in the development of facial recognition technology, which can be used to track and identify people without their consent.



Microsoft’s $5 billion investment in cybersecurity in Australia is a cause for concern. The company has a long history of failing to address security vulnerabilities in its products, and there is reason to believe that its real motive is to expand its surveillance capabilities in the country.

Australians should be wary of Microsoft’s investment, and should take steps to protect their privacy from the company. This includes using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and using privacy-focused software.

Content Created on 22/12/2023 by
John Pititto
Managing Director
The Original PC Doctor

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