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How to Buy Cryptocurrency

How to Buy Cryptocurrency

With the rapid growth of cryptocurrencies and the number of platforms to buy them from, it’s easy to get confused as to how exactly you should purchase them. This guide will go through all the steps you need to take, giving you a simple step-by-step process for buying cryptocurrency.

How to Buy Cryptocurrency

How to Buy Cryptocurrency

Choose Your Exchange

When you’re ready to buy, the first step is to choose your exchange. Cryptocurrency exchanges are websites that let you buy and sell cryptocurrencies for other types of currency. There are a lot of exchanges out there, and they all offer different kinds of features and services. But most of them are not regulated or licensed by a government agency. This means you don’t know exactly where your money is going. So, it is important to choose a regulated exchange if you want a reliable and trustworthy exchange.

Some exchanges are better for beginners; others have more advanced features that make buying large amounts of cryptocurrency easier. If you’re new to cryptocurrency trading, knowing which exchange is best suited for your needs can be difficult. Here are some tips to help you decide which exchange is right for you:

– Check the fees associated with using an exchange. Most exchanges charge a fee of around 1% per transaction, but some may charge more or less depending on transaction value. This can make a big difference in how much money you save by using the exchange.

– Research the company behind the exchange. Do they have good reputations and a history of being reliable? Also, check whether they have been hacked in the past (or even if they have been hacked recently). You don’t want to use an exchange that has had problems with hackers trying to steal user information!

– Make sure the exchange is trustworthy and doesn’t have any issues in the past. Look at reviews and ratings from others who have used an exchange. If there aren’t any complaints about them, they’re probably safe enough and will not scam anyone using their services.

– Make sure you choose an exchange that offers the cryptocurrencies you want to buy.

– Consider what type of security measures are being used on the site (if any). This will help you decide whether or not to use an exchange with strict security protocols in place because it will make all of your transactions more secure!

We recommend starting with Coinbase because it’s super easy to use and has a simple interface that is easy to navigate. It also has an app for your phone, which makes buying and selling more convenient.


Create an Account and Verify Your Identity

Once you’ve chosen an exchange, you’ll need to create an account at that exchange before you can buy cryptocurrency. You’ll need to provide your personal information such as your name, email address, and date of birth.

Most exchanges require you to verify your identity before you can begin trading. So, you’ll may then need to verify your identity by providing documents that prove who you are. The verifying process is similar to when you have to verify your identity at the bank.

Most exchanges accept photocopies of government-issued photo IDs, such as a passport or driver’s license. Sometimes you may even need to take a selfie photo of yourself holding up your passport or driver’s license.

It takes between three and five days for most exchanges to complete this process, so be patient! Once completed, you will have a verified account.


Fund Your Account

Once you’ve created and verified an account on an exchange, it’s time to deposit some money into your account.

There are multiple ways to do this. You can use a bank transfer, wire transfer, or even your credit card (if the exchange supports it); whichever method works best for you depends on what kind of access fee your bank charges.

Bank or wire transfer usually involves low charges but requires extra steps that can be slow. Use credit cards to fund your account if you want to get started quickly.

Funding with a credit card is usually faster than a bank or wire transfer, but it involves high fees for this service. You should check out the fees before sending money through any of the transfer services of your bank.


Choose Cryptocurrency to Buy

Once your funds have been deposited into your account, you’ll need to choose a cryptocurrency you want to buy. There are over 1,500 cryptocurrencies available, with new ones being released everyday, and their prices can vary widely.

The best way to choose which one you want to buy is by looking at their market cap (the total value of all coins in circulation). If the market cap is over $1 billion, it’s probably a good bet that it will be around for the long haul.

The most popular cryptocurrencies are bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), and both currencies have seen huge price increases over the past few years, with a doubling in value or more! You can also buy other cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin (LTC) and Ripple (XRP). If you want to go with something smaller and more speculative, hundreds of altcoins can give you a lot of upside potential. If you’re new to cryptocurrency trading, you must understand how they work before you invest any money.

Market capitalizations of cryptocurrencies

Market capitalizations of cryptocurrencies. Image source: Wikipedia

Place an Order

Once you’ve chosen the cryptocurrency you want to purchase, it’s time to place your order. You can do this by going to the buy page of your exchange website or app and clicking on the “buy” button. You’ll see a list of cryptocurrencies available for trading, along with their prices and fees. Select your cryptocurrency and then simply enter a custom amount or select one of the predefined options provided by your exchange site or app.

If everything looks good at this point, place your order. Once it’s confirmed, your cryptocurrency is on its way!


Select a Storage Method

After buying cryptocurrency, the next step is to select a storage method. You can either keep them on an exchange or in a wallet that you control and manage yourself. Exchanges are convenient, but there are also many other risks associated with exchanges: they may have downtime and be vulnerable to hackers who can steal your assets if they gain access to their databases. There is no guarantee that your assets will be safe from third-party confiscation in case of bankruptcy or legal action by the company itself.

The safest way to store cryptocurrency is through a wallet that you control and manage yourself. This gives you full control over who has access to your coins and allows you to decide what happens with them when it comes time for trading or withdrawal. Some wallets offer built-in features like multi-signature (where multiple parties must agree before withdrawing any funds) and cold storage (where offline wallets are stored offline) to increase security even further. Both types have pros and cons, so it’s up to your personal preference which one fits best into your lifestyle!



Maybe you heard about the cryptocurrency craze and want to get involved. Or maybe you already own some spare money and want to invest in it. Either way, we hope that this has been an informative guide for you and that now you can see how someone can buy cryptocurrency. Again, we would like to stress the importance of doing your own research before investing in a new currency.



Written by The Original PC Doctor on 19/7/2022.

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