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How to empty trash on Mac?

Here are two ways to empty the trash on your Mac:

Method 1: Using the Trash icon

  1. Click on the Trash icon in your Dock.
  2. In the Finder window that opens, do one of the following:
    • Empty all of the Trash: Click the Empty button in the top-right corner of the window. Alternatively, click on Finder in the menu bar, then choose Empty Trash.
    • Empty one item from the Trash: Control-click on the specific item you want to delete and choose Delete Immediately. Confirm the deletion in the pop-up window.

Method 2: Using keyboard shortcuts

  • Empty all of the Trash: Press Command + Option + Shift + Delete.
  • Empty one item from the Trash: Select the item in the Trash window, then press Option + Command + Delete.

Note: In both methods, a confirmation dialog will appear asking if you are sure you want to empty the Trash. Click Empty Trash to confirm.

Additional options:

  • Prevent the Trash warning message:
    • Once: Hold the Option key while clicking the Empty button or choosing Empty Trash from the menu.
    • Always: Go to Finder > Preferences > Advanced, then uncheck the box next to “Show warning before emptying the Trash.”
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